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Squaw Vine Herbs

Squaw Vine Herb is a great tea for women which helps strengthen the uterus and body in preparation for childbirth. You have less painful contractions when the uterus is helping the cervix to open up and help push the baby out. Squaw Vine also helps the body to recover and regain strength after childbirth. This tea is a plant that is native to North America. Native American women would drink this tea throughout their pregnancy to prepare for childbirth. The tea is simple to make:

  1. Pour 3 cups of water in a small (1 1/2 qt) size sauce pan

  2. Pour 1 1/2 cups of the squaw vine herb

  3. If you want to add ginger to spice it up a little, crush/grade 1 ginger, then add in the pot

  4. Turn on stove until water is boiled

  5. Once the water is boiled, turn off the stove, use a strainer to drain strain the tea into your mug.

  6. Add sugar and serve yourself some tea.

Squawvine is one of the best teas for women to drink. If you want to try the Squaw Vine, please check with your doctor first for proper precautions. You can order the tea at


Squawvine is also a Cure for Period Cramps

Dysmenorrhea is when you have very painful cramps, diarrhea, and vomiting during your menstrual cycle. After you recover from childbirth, one of the best things to enjoy for a few months is not getting your period. But unfortunately, it comes back :-(.

My Story:

I unfortunately, have dysmenorrea and I am ready to tell you how horrible it is. In my opinion, the pain/cramps is worse than a c-section. After a c-section, it takes 6 weeks for you to recover and then you do not have to worry about the pain. Dysmenorrhea comes EVERY SINGLE MONTH when your period arrives and if you are not on top of your cramps, you will cry for help. I am not exaggerating because I have experienced this for many years. If you don't have your squawvine tea handy or don't have any pain medication, the cramps will become unbearable as your vomiting and using the bathroom often. There are some women who can relate to these symptoms, but for those who don't have this problem, you are very lucky. However, this is good information for mothers to prepare and inform their daughters as they're reaching puberty.

Squaw vine tea is great. Once I started drinking the tea the cramps started to go away. It's better to drink the tea often too, not just when you are on your period. It will become more natural for you to drink the tea instead of forcing it. Pain medication may work for other women, but it is only effective on a full stomach, the pain may never numb down and pills can become addicting. Doctors may also recommend birth control, but there are side effects when taking birth control pills such as weight gain, spotting, blood clots, hormonal changes and more. Squawvine is a natural cure and it is made for women. Order the tea today! (you can order the tea at Again, check with your doctor first before ordering the tea.

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